Krishan’s Grace

Krishan's Grace

Book title: Krishan’s Grace:

Book Tagline: The Song of the Soul
Book Content: A Commentary on Shrimad Bhagawad Gita
Book #4 of 7
Author’s name: Guru Shri Siddhartha Shiv Khanna
Chakra (Book theme) Anahat

Back Page:

‘Krishan’s Grace: The Song of the Soul,’ is a profound exploration into the timeless wisdom of Bhagwan Shri Krishan ji (the eighth avatar of Bhagwan Vishnu). Through the exploration of the profound teachings contained within these pages, one can embark on a transformative journey toward transcendence, enlightenment, and the mastery of yoga. Through the verses of the Bhagavad Gita, witness the extraordinary transformation of Arjuna from warrior to yogi, and uncover the profound insights that dissolve the veils of ego. ‘Krishan’s Grace’ serves as your spiritual guru, providing valuable insights into the complexities of human existence, practical strategies for navigating life’s challenges, and transformative meditations that connect you with the divine essence within. Krishan’s enchanting melody of wisdom will take you beyond human limits and help you find your inner truth.

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