Yoga Gallery

Guru Siddhartha Shiv Khanna was invited to meet the Honorable President of India Shri Ram Nath Kovind for a community dinner in the capacity of a yoga guru.

sivaom yoga with indian presidnet ram nath kovind
sivaom yoga with Indian president Ram Nath kovind
sivaom yoga with indian presidnet ram nath kovind
sivaom yoga with indian presidnet ram nath kovind
sivaom yoga teacher training certificate
sivaom yoga teacher training certificate
sivaom yoga teacher training certificate
sivaom yoga teacher training certificate
sivaom yoga international day of yoga
sivaom yoga international day of yoga
teaching sivaom yoga at the world congress of acupuncture
teaching sivaom yoga at the world congress of acupuncture
Being honoured by the ambassador of India to Greece after conducting the International Day of Yoga 2020 at the Indian Embassy in Athens, Greece.
Being honored by the ambassador of India to Greece after conducting the International Day of Yoga 2020 at the Indian Embassy in Athens, Greece.
teacher trianing ceritifcate awarded by ambassador if india to greece to sivaom students
teacher training certificate awarded by ambassador of India to Greece to sivaom students
teaching sivaom yoga at the 7th hellenic yoga festival
teaching sivaom yoga at the 7th hellenic yoga festival
workshop on mantra yoga by sivaom yoga
workshop image sivaom
Advanced TTC 300 hours sivaom yoga
Advanced TTC 300 hours sivaom yoga
being awarded as the best yoga professional in greece by the ambassador of india to greece
being awarded as the best yoga professional in greece by the ambassador of india to Greece
philanthropy done by sivaom yoga under the karma yoga project
philanthropy done by sivaom yoga under the karma yoga project
philanthropy done by sivaom yoga under the karma yoga project
philanthropy done by sivaom yoga under the karma yoga project
Adho Mukh Svan Asan sivaom yoga
A classical asana of yoga “Adho Mukh Svan Asan” was explained in detail and taught during the sivaom yoga educational program
surya mudra sivaom yoga
A classical mudra of yoga “surya mudra sivaom yoga” was explained in detail and taught during the sivaom yoga educational program
Maha Kumbh Festival holy bath ny Siva Om Yoga

Maha Kumbh is approaching! Now is your time to experience spirituality at its absolute glory.