SivaOm Yoga Guru Education by SivaOm School of Yoga is designed for those who seek soul enlightenment and deep wisdom.
SivaOm Yoga Guru Education is the best way to grow from being a yoga instructor to becoming a well-respected academician and teacher of yoga.
We teach SivaOm Yoga which is a practice of yoga developed by Guruji Shri Siddhartha Shiv Khanna through the inspiration of Adi Guru Bhagwan Shiv. This practice includes a mystical union of the 4 main branches of yoga (raja – karma – jnan – bhakti) combined in its original teachings from Ancient India, into a single seminar of 90 minutes.
When we speak of Yoga within the spiritual sense, we can safely say that this cosmic science is as old as the universe and encaptures the very essence of the universe itself. This system of yoga which has come to be referred to as SivaOm Yoga allows us to harmoniously unite the internal shiv and shakti and having achieved this divine union we proceed towards the ultimate goal of our human existence, to merge the jivatma to back to the brahman.
This system is based upon various mechanisms available to all or any living creatures and has been carefully combined together keeping in mind the diverse kind and type of individuals. it’s perfect for every human, it’s for people of all ages, it’s for people of all times, those that have lived in the past, those living presently and even those that are yet to be born. it’s suitable for people of all character and every temperament. There will be at least one aspect of the practice in which the student will identify with and through that one aspect of the practice he or she will become self-realized and god realized. Such is the nature of this practice that it has the power to liberate the soul and provides freedom from all kinds of suffering.
To that person whose body is hungry, we give him the gift of food and water. similarly, the person whose mind is hungry, we give him the gift of knowledge and wisdom, but even greater than of these gifts is that the gift we give to the soul that’s hungry which gift is of SivaOm Yoga. this is a gift from the universe and surely must be shared with all mankind for it belongs to all of us equally.
We have designed a course for those who seek to take their yogic studies and reach the heights in the field of yoga which none other can take you to. During this training, we take on a whole new dimension of our reality and some of the secret ancient practices with which you can have growth in yoga or reach enlightenment. The course will be delivered in English and upon successful completion of the course, you shall be awarded SIVA OM School of Yoga Certificate (registered with the Govt. Of India).

The SivaOm Yoga Guru Education aims at taking your studies and practice to the ultimate level of existence by dwelling in the realities of the ancient flames of spirituality which are available only to the genuine seeker. If you have made it this far, then we must surely strive towards the final stages, for the goal is within our eyesight. We teach SivaOm Yoga which includes all 4 branches of yoga (raja – karma – jnan – bhakti) in its original form from India. We will aim to study deep the following subjects
Guru Gita
The Guru Gita is a cosmic dialogue between The God of Gods Shiva and his benevolent Goddess Parvati on the divine nature and role of a Guru in a human’s life. In reality, the Goddess knows all reality as Shiv and Shakti are one, but for the sake of humanity, she takes the form of a Goddess so that humanity may learn from this dialogue. This ancient Hindu scripture is has been the foundation of the learned masters and explores the pure guru-shishya relationship.
Once Bhagwan Shiv was sharing the Supreme Truth with some rishis. As the rishis paid their reverence to him, Bhagwan Shiv gave his reverence to someone else. Goddess Parvati was confused by seeing this and out of curiosity asked Bhagwan Shiv whom he had bowed down to. The great God of Gods informed her that he was bowing down to the Guru, thus further adding fuel to her curiosity. She urged him to elaborate on the role and nature of a Guru for the benefit of all humanity. Bhagwan Shiv honored her request by dispelling the reality of Guru through mantras that came to be known as the Guru Gita. Written by the great rishi, Ved Vyas, the Guru Gita is a part of the holy Skanda Puran. The wisdom of Guru Gita invokes and strengthens love and devotion in a spiritual seeker. It also inspires every seeker to become like the learned masters by realizing the inner light that exists in everyone.
Shiv Sutra
The Shiv Sutra was revealed to and written down by an ancient Vasugupta in India. The Sutras are considered to be of divine origin. It is one of the most important resources of spirituality in the world. It outlines the teachings of Kashmir Shaivism and its focus on Advaita (non-dualism). The focus is on attaining the Ultimate Reality in which everything is created and dissolved by Bhagwan Shiv to understand his nature by projecting us as his extensions all over the universe. This ultimate state of existence is called Param Shiv and is beyond the understanding by the common human mind which is full of Maya. For attaining this state of Shiv for those who remember to reside in their inherent-self-nature, which is of the nature of Shiva, no effort or no way is needed. For everyone else, there are three ways for the attainment of Param Shiv described in the Shiv Sutra.
Kashmir Shaivism
Is a system of the ancient Yogic and Tantrik teachings aimed at non-duality. According to this philosophy, there is no difference between God and Us. instead of the rather the regressive view that God is a supreme creator this tradition from the Kashmir region of India practiced by those who follow the Shaivism branch of Sanatan dharma see god and us as one. This profound tradition, long enshrouded in secrecy, is available to us today due to long-time efforts to make it public to genuine seekers; it reveals the ascent of individual consciousness to universal God Consciousness. This subject is the key to the tradition that unlocks its secrets and provides the disciple with the tools necessary to venture into his/her own God Consciousness.
During this module, we will present the deeper tradition of Tantra, its multidimensional vision of the Divine and its transformative practices of mantra and meditation that take us far beyond the outer models of how Tantra is usually presented today. This will expand your horizons about masculine and feminine energies, Self and world, the universe and the Absolute into a living experience of the Infinite and Eternal both within and around you.
Mantra Yoga
The mythical and mystical energy of mantras is as intact today as it was thousands of years ago. All you need to know is how to invoke a mantra. We will study an interpretation of the philosophy and the reality of the mantric approach to yoga. This module aims at covering all the essentials and fundamentals of invoking the timeless mantras for material and spiritual fulfillment. Taking an in-depth view of the origin of mantras, why and how mantras work, how to choose a mantra and invoke it, how to succeed in mantra sadhana and everything else you need to know about mantra yoga.
Advanced Raja Yoga practice
Patañjali’s expounded The Yoga Sutra a few hundred years before Christ. It is one of the 6 main schools of Hindu philosophy. In it the legendary rishi lays down the blueprint for achievement in yoga; currently practiced the planet over. Patañjali attracts upon several concepts of his time and before and compiles it into a singular work of Hindu ethics that has been the foundational philosophy of yoga since.
The Yoga Sutras sets out a magical theory of ethical psychological science and maybe the oldest theory of analysis. For Patañjali; each thought tendencies shaped one’s present behavior ad character in reaction to one’s past experiences. He argues that folks aren’t helpless against such forces which and can radically alter their lives through yoga—a method of ethical transformation and perfection; that brings the body and mind of someone in line with their true nature. We will study an extended introduction that explains the challenges of accurately translating Indian philosophical texts; locate the historical antecedents of Patañjali’s text and situate Patanjali’s philosophy inside the history and contrast of scholastic Indian philosophy.
The discourse of Ashtvakra on Advaita
By the greatest seers, this topic is considered as perhaps the most profound literary work in all the worlds. It rarely gets the credit it should. Perhaps the greatest literary work on spirituality while undergoing this module we will cover the following major topics of this discourse:
Atmanubhava: Self-Realization
Laya Chatustaka: The Four Dissolutions
Bandhana and Moksha: Bondage and Liberation
Tattva Swarup: Essence of Consciousness or Doctrine
Upasana: Inwardness
Nirvikalpa: Eternal Tranquillity
Jivanmukta: Liberated in the embodied state
Meditation and its techniques
This module will explore all Vedantic and yogic thoughts on meditation and its methods. For all the seekers of truth and practitioners of meditation, this module is sure to provide flashes of deep insight helping them to reach Shiv Consciousness through meditation.
The course is taught by Yoga Guru Siddhartha Shiv Khanna from India (Founder of the SIVA OM Yoga School).

Yoga Guru Shri Siddhartha Shiv Khanna
Born in an influential, traditional and modern Hindu family in New Delhi, I was introduced to meditation and chanting at a very young age along with the family household practice of Bhakti Yoga (Yoga of surrendering oneself to God) and Karma Yoga (Yoga of selfless acts of goodness towards everyone and everything). Having gone to one of the best private school of the nation I became a professional swimmer and also went on to pursue a degree in fashion retail and merchandise management after having spent 18 months in Australia after I turned 18. The big change happened when I was invited to take part in a reality show called Big Switch in India. It was a struggle of a unique kind and I won the show. The biggest win was the changes it brought in me after my non-stop interaction with the kids from slums during the duration of the show. I went on to handle my father’s construction business and I also became the business head of a fashion label for a short bit after this. All of that and much more at the age of 25, in a way I had it all and yet happiness wasn’t a permanent state of existence. This made me think and realize that there have to be things beyond money, beyond fame, beyond power since none of this can keep me happy, there must be something which will keep me happy all the time. During these times of wanderings and wonderings, I met Samara Kamui Bodhisatva on an online forum and he initiated me to meditation and taught me many important techniques of healing myself and others.
Thereafter two very big events took place. The first one was the “Holy Royal Snan of Mauni Amavasya during the Mahakumbh Mela”, this was the first time in life I felt god inside of me and outside of me, we Hindus believe that by taking a bath in the meeting point of the 3 ancient rivers of India during the Brahma Muhurta (moment of creation) when Jupiter is in the 1st sign Aries and the Sun and the Earth’s moon are in the 10th sign Capricorn; or Jupiter in the 2nd sign Taurus and the Sun in Capricorn, a person gets Moksh (freedom from all suffering, freedom from the cycle of birth death and rebirth, freedom from the universal laws of space, time and karma), at that moment was perhaps my first real taste of yoga, it was a union and of the body with the mind, the mind with the soul and the souls with Shiv consciousness and no words are sufficient enough to express that infinite bliss which I felt in each single breath and moment of existence. The second big and perhaps the final step towards burying the old, this step was more intense in terms of what would happen. In Kedarnath jyotirlinga, high in the upper Himalayas an epiphany happened (perhaps ill tell you the full story one day), this sealed my fate, it was divine intervention. I came back and renounced my work.
After, I studied and practiced Raja yoga (the yoga of the self) under the guidance of my Guru Ji from India Shri Yogi Anoop Ji. At this time I was doing only two things, practicing and studying, from 6 till 11 I would do asana practice and then the rest of the day I would read scriptures and ask questions from my guruji. Gyan Yoga (Yoga of knowledge) was feeding my brain and Raja Yoga was feeding my body but much too my joy life was completely changing on physical, mental and spiritual levels. I became balanced, stable and was closer than ever to the self-realization and God-realization. Then my guruji felt the need for me to start teaching others. In my present-day, I spend most of my time assisting seekers to find peace and reach the ultimate state of bliss.
From time to time I’m busy expounding the ancient scriptures and viewpoints from my experiences to seekers so that they may achieve self-realization and God-realization and reach the ultimate goal of the soul of emergence with Shiv Consciousness.

Upcoming SivaOm Yoga Guru Education Dates:
Please make reservations with your assigned guru to set up the education schedule
The location: Athens, Greece.
The ancient birthplace of democracy with deep-rooted mythology adds to the charm of traditional yoga training. This teacher training can be conveniently done over 3 months just by attending weekend classes. In the end, you will get authentic training through traditional methodology by the first and only Indian teacher of Yoga who lives in Greece.
SivaOm Yoga Guru Education Cost
3000€ Per Person
Prices include:
* teachings
* SIVA OM School of Yoga Certificate (registered with the Govt. Of India)
Price does not include:
* Accommodations
* Meals
For Bookings:
Whatsapp / Viber / Facetime: +306909729311
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