Gurukul – The Ancient Place for learning yoga and other universal truths

Gurukul is the world’s first system of education in the world. It is important to know what was taught in the Gurukuls.

  1. अग्नि विद्या ( metallergy )
    2 वायु विद्या ( flight )
    3 जल विद्या ( navigation )
    4 अंतरिक्ष विद्या ( space scienc)
    5 पृथ्वी विद्या ( environment )
    6 सूर्य विद्या ( solar study )
    7 चन्द्र व लोक विद्या ( lunar study )
    8 मेघ विद्या ( weather forecast )
    9 पदार्थ विद्युत विद्या ( battery )
    10 सौर ऊर्जा विद्या ( solar energy )
    11 दिन रात्रि विद्या
    12 सृष्टि विद्या ( space research )
    13 खगोल विद्या ( astronomy)
    14 भूगोल विद्या (geography )
    15 काल विद्या ( time )
    16 भूगर्भ विद्या (geology and mining )
    17 रत्न व धातु विद्या ( gems and metals )
    18 आकर्षण विद्या ( gravity )
    19 प्रकाश विद्या ( solar energy )
    20 तार विद्या ( communication )
    21 विमान विद्या ( plane )
    22 जलयान विद्या ( water vessels )
    23 अग्नेय अस्त्र विद्या ( arms and amunition )
    24 जीव जंतु विज्ञान विद्या ( zoology botany )
    25 यज्ञ विद्या ( material Sc)

Vedic Science

वाणिज्य ( commerce )
कृषि (Agriculture )
पशुपालन ( animal husbandry )
पक्षिपलन ( bird keeping )
पशु प्रशिक्षण ( animal training )
यान यन्त्रकार ( mechanics)
रथकार ( vehicle designing )
रतन्कार ( gems )
सुवर्णकार ( jewellery designing )
वस्त्रकार ( textile)
कुम्भकार ( pottery)
लोहकार (metallergy)
तक्षक (guarding)
रंगसाज (dying)
आयुर्वेद (Ayurveda)
रज्जुकर (logistics)
वास्तुकार ( architect)
पाकविद्या (cooking)
सारथ्य (driving)
नदी प्रबन्धक (water management)
सुचिकार (data entry)
गोशाला प्रबन्धक (animal husbandry)
उद्यान पाल (horticulture)
वन पाल (horticulture)
नापित (paramedical)

These types of teachings were given in the Gurukulas. But with time the Gurukulas disappeared and with them these teachings also disappeared. Re-establishment of Gurukuls is very important for Vedic science and education.