Karma, the Flow of Cause and Effect

Karma is derived from the Sanskrit root word kri, meaning ‘to do’. It encompasses all actions, thoughts, and words that we engage in. Even inaction is considered Karma, for it, too, has a consequence. Thus, every action, every thought, and every word we speak is Karma. It is important to remember that Karma is not merely the result of our actions. Rather, it is the entire process of cause and effect. Every thought, word, and action creates an imprint on our consciousness, shaping our character and influencing our future actions. Therefore, it is essential to perform our actions with utmost integrity, ethics, and morality.

Understanding Dharma

Dharma is the inherent nature of all beings. It is the path of righteousness, duty, and moral obligation. Every being has a unique Dharma, and it is our duty to fulfill it with utmost dedication and sincerity. When we perform our actions in accordance with our Dharma, we are living a life of purpose and meaning.

How to find Purpose of Life
How to find Purpose of Life

Interconnection of Karma and Dharma

Karma and Dharma are interconnected, and we cannot understand one without the other. Every action we perform has a consequence, and it is our duty to perform our actions in accordance with our Dharma. By understanding the deeper meaning behind these concepts, we can lead a life of purpose and fulfillment, and ultimately, reach spiritual enlightenment.

The Misconception of Karma

Many people mistakenly believe that Karma only refers to the consequences of their actions. However, Karma is an ongoing process that influences our every thought, word, and deed. Consider this: even if you choose to do nothing and remain idle, this too is an action towards being lazy, and it will have a certain result, perhaps leading to lethargy or even illness.

The Power of Thoughts and Intentions

In the same way, when you express love and affection towards others, it brings joy and happiness to their hearts, and they may bring you gifts or other blessings. Even the thoughts that we entertain have a profound impact on our lives. If we hold on to negative thoughts such as anger, jealousy, or hatred, it can create destructive patterns of behavior and affect our character.  For example, in your mind you say, oh, I am a strong person; I am a brave person. I can do whatever I want. Because of that, your character changes, this is also Karma. As you understand now, everything is Karma, including not doing something as well.

Cultivating Awareness and Mindfulness

Therefore, we must cultivate awareness and mindfulness in all that we do, say, and think. By understanding Karma, we can make conscious choices that bring positive results and avoid actions that lead to suffering.