A Karma yogi by personality Guru Jiwan Singh is an infinite source of inspiration and experience and a great guide to all seekers of yoga. This reflects in his life as a result of which he has been elected to hold offices of Treasurer, President, Vice President of The Hellenic Yoga Association Athens, Greece from March 2016 till Present. He has also managed to Increase Yoga awareness by managing a Yoga journal Facebook page “Light of Yoga” and by holding several yoga events including the Panhellenic Yoga Festival which attracted 2300 participants and of course The International Day of Yoga which attracted 1500 participants. With his great wisdom, he has devised the new legislation regarding the Accreditation of Yoga teachers and yoga schools. Applied current EU and Greek law regarding the qualifications of yoga teachers. Created LLL courses for yoga teachers.
In addition to all this he has also been elected President & CEO Kundalini Yoga Teachers’ Association Hellas Athens, Greece from January 2017 till Present where he Diused the kundalini yoga technology by creating and managing the annual KY festival, the KY summer Camp and the Intensive Immersion Weekends for KY Teachers. Created varιous continuous education programs and courses. Edited and published the training manuals.