सिद्धार्थ – that’s how we write SIDDHARTHA in Hindi/Sanskrit through the Devanagari script. Following is how this powerful name came into existence.

Noun: सिद्धार्थ (siddhā-rtha)
- “He who has fulfilled the object (of his coming)”
- Name of the great Buddha from shakya clan (Siddhartha).
- One of the names for Bhagwan Shiv among his sahastra naam
Adjective सिद्धार्थ (siddhā-rtha)
- One who has accomplished an aim or object, successful, prosperous
- Leading to the goal, efficient, efficacious
- One whose aim or intention is known

” was the original name of Buddha and a name which is formed of two words “Sidh” whose meaning is “perfect” and “Artha” whose meaning is “purpose” both are from the language of Sanskrit and combined they mean “the one who perfects ( sidh ) his purpose ( artha )”.
“Sidh” whose meaning is that which “achieves” and that which is “perfect” then expands and becomes “Siddha” whose meaning is “perfected” and “supernatural” and this is then seen in “Siddhanta” whose meaning is “the end ( anta ) of perfection ( siddha )”.
“Sidh” also becomes “Siddhi” whose meaning is “perfection” “skill” and “art” and this is seen in the “Asta Siddhis” which are the “eight ( asta ) perfections ( siddhi )” yogis who can become “larger than a planet” and “smaller than an atom”.
“Siddha” whose meaning is “perfection” can be seen in this verse from the Gita where “Siddhaye” and “Siddhanam” are translated as “perfection” the Gita spoken over 5000 years ago, long before the appearance of Buddha and the language of Pali.
“Out of the many thousands among men, one may endeavour for perfection, and of those who have achieved perfection, hardly one knows Me in truth.” Gita 7.3
“Sidh” expresses that which “binds one ( si ) to the motion ( h ) of light ( d )” as in the “light of the soul” as in the “light of illumination” while its secondary meanings of “beatitude” and “perfection” are an expression of mystical and spiritual states.
As it journeys to other languages “Sidh” is seen throughout Europe as “Sidus” a word from Latin whose meanings are “star” “group of stars” and “constellation” and “Sidereal” whose meaning is “starry” “astral” and that which belongs to the “constellations”.
Around the early 17th century Gallileo wrote his “Sidereus Nuncius” whose meaning was the “message from the stars” a message which announced his “clusters ( si ) of light ( d )” all of which move around the satellites of Jupiter thus proving the rotation of planets around the stars.
“Sidh” expresses the nature of Sanskrit, which expresses the nature of the Vedas, which expresses the nature of the divine, and this can be seen in words such as “Consider” whose meaning is to “observe ( con ) the stars ( sidus )” and also “Desire” which means to “long for ( de ) the stars ( sidus )”.
These words from the Ancient language of Sanskrit go back in time over 5000 years, long before the 2500 year old date for Panini, long before the 3500 year old date for the stone tablets of Armana, long before the 4000 year old date for the disappearance of Sarasvati, and long before Buddhism and the language of Pali.
Post courtesy: James Robinson Cooper