In Vedic thought there are four goals of human life, not just relative the physical personality but to the Atman within.

First is DHARMA, which relates to our purpose in this physical incarnation, what our karma dictates and what develops our buddhi or inner intelligence.

Second is ARTHA, which relates to the resources and achievements necessary to fulfill that.
Third is KAMA, or the enjoyment in our dharmic activities.
Fourth is MOKSHA, or our liberation from body, mind and karma into our inner being, through the fulfillment of our dharmic purpose.
This isn’t in the main but sometimes is considered as fifth – AROGYA, or wellness of body and mind as the necessary instruments and vehicles to promote our dharma.
For those without awareness of their inner purpose, these four goals get externalized in the form of career, wealth, pleasure in general and personal freedom, but these get us caught in further karma and don’t align us with the Atman within.